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A Comprehensive Assessment of Pennsylvania´s Military Installations, 2018

Project Summary

The University of Pittsburgh Center for Social and Urban Research (UCSUR) engaged in a year-long study to analyze and understand the economic and community impacts of Pennsylvania’s military and defense installations. The purpose of the project is to aid Pennsylvania in understanding the economic and strategic value of its military installations regionally and nationally and the critical ties these installations have to the surrounding communities and also to Pennsylvania industry. The project provides decision support resources that will assist state and local policy makers and other stakeholders in promoting the value of Pennsylvania’s military installations. The project evaluated major Pennsylvania installations for the following:

  •  Economic impact
  • Competitive strengths
  • Local and community partnerships
  • Industry connections

Project Output

   A Comprehensive Assessment of Pennsylvania’s Military Installations

Installation Reports

Project Funder

This project was financed by a grant from the Pennsylvania Military Community Enhancement Commission (PMCEC), Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (PDCED), with additional funding support from Team PA. PMCEC is working to move Pennsylvania’s military installations and organizations into prominent positions of strength through efficiency and effectiveness as the services have been scaling back the size of the military. Through local development, research, information gathering, working with our congressional delegation, and investment into infrastructure, PMCEC takes positive preemptive actions to demonstrate the Commonwealth’s commitment to our nation’s warfighter and the Pennsylvania men and women who support them.