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Manners Awards Archive


Kyaien Conner, PhD, LSW, MPH
"Black Pittsburgh Satisfaction and Retention Study"
Melissa M. Bilec, PhD • Amy L. Brooks, PhD
"Uncovering challenges and opportunities for advancing the University of Pittsburgh's transition to the circular economy"


Daniel J. Bain, PhD,
"Toxic Metal Soil Pollution Near Coking Facilities: Information Gaps in Public Health Policymaking."
Rebecca G. Reed, PhD
"Life Course Socioeconomic Factors and Later Life Health."


Karen P. Jakubowski, PhD
" Investigating Intimate Partner Violence in the Context of Sleep Among Survivors"
Sara Goodkind, PhD • Jeffrey Shook, PhD
"Fielding the 'Trust and Disinformation in Allegheny County' Survey"
Andrea Rosso, PhD, MPH • Andrea Weinstein, PhD
"Neighborhood Environment and Risk of Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults across Southwestern Pennsylvania"


Michael R. Glass, PhD
"Enhancing Participatory Planning with Spatial Prioritization Indices"


Randall Walsh, PhD
"The Long-Term Evolution of Inequality: Poverty, Pollution, and Human Capital"
Jessica C. Levenson, PhD
"A School-Based Sleep Intervention Program for Adolescents with Absenteeism"


Jesscia Hamilton, PhD
"Using Smartphones to Understand Social Media Use and Sleep among Adolescents"
Marlo Perry, PhD
"Emotional Awareness in Child Welfare Professionals and its Relationship with Emotional Variability, Compassion Satisfaction, and Commitment to the Field: A Pilot Study Utilizing Ecological Momentary Assessment"


Junia Howell, PhD
"The Role of Local Government in Allegheny County's Neighborhood Transformation from 1986 to 2018"
Chelsea Pallatino, PhD
"Co-occurring Intimate Partner Violence and Substance Use: Understanding Barriers to Collocated Integrated Services"
Jamie Hanson, PhD
"Leveraging ecological momentary assessments to understand associations between poverty, stress exposure, and environmental volatility"


Courtenay Dunn-Lewis, PhD
"Determining Barriers, Facilitators, and Preferences Related to Resistance Exercise in Older Adults"
Aidan G.C. Wright, PhD
"Multimethod Assessment of Momentary Stress Processes in Personality Pathology"


Victoria Shineman, PhD
"A Field Experiment Mobilizing Convicted Felons During the 2016 General Election"
Alicia Sufrinko, PhD  &  Anthony Kontos, PhD
"An Integrative Mobile Platform for Assessment of Sleep Dysfunction and Physical Activity Level Following Sport/Recreation-related Concussion"


Carissa A. Low, PhD
"Technology-based assessment of stress during cancer treatment"
Elizabeth Votgruba-Drzal, PhD
"An Integrative Mobile Platform for Assessment of Sleep Dysfunction and Physical Activity Level Following Sport/Recreation-related Concussion"


Anthony Fabio, PhD, MPH & Dara Mendez, PhD, MPH
"The Development of a Measure of Neighborhood Wellbeing for Pittsburgh Neighborhoods"
Linda Barry Robertson, DrPH, RN, MSN
"Social stressors, air pollution, and cancer in Allegheny County"


Brian Beaton, PhD & Rosta Farzan, PhD
"Information Needs in the Local Nonprofit Sector: The Challenge of Measuring and Reporting Impact"
Kathryn Monahan, PhD
"Risks that Reward: Positive Risk-Taking in Adolescence"
Ming-Te Wang, PhD
"School Engagement and Positive Youth Development"


Nicholas G. Castle, PhD, MHA, FGSA
"Bullying in Nursing Homes"


Jane E. Clougherty, MSc, ScD
"Adapting Geospatial Modeling Methods to Assess Individual-level Variability in Urban Chronic Stress"
Fengyan Tang, PhD
"Retirement Transition, Volunteer Engagement, and Physical Health"


Shanti Gamper-Rabindran, PhD
"Does Cleaning Up Contaminated Sites Yield Economic Benefits? A GIS-Econometric Analysis of the Superfund Program"
Jennifer H. Lingler, PhD, CRNP
"Feasibility of a Web-Based Intervention to Improve Family Caregivers' Communicative Skillfulness during Patients  Medical Visits"
Werner Troesken, PhD  &  Randall Walsh, PhD
Retirement Transition, Volunteer Engagement, and Physical Health"


Irina Murtazashvili, PhD
"Heterogeneity of Family Motives: Altruism vs. Exchange in Intergenerational Transfers"
Brian A. Primack, MD, EdM, MS
"Waterpipe Tobacco Smoking at the University of Pittsburgh: A Longitudinal Study"


Peter J. Gianaros, PhD
J. Richard Jennings, PhD, Co-Investigator
Keith H. Morgenlander, MPH
Elizabeth LaRue, PHD, MLS, AHIP


Patricia Isabel Documet
Jeffrey Schook and Michael Vaughn


Shanti Gamper-Rabindran  & Swoboda
Larissa Myaskovsky


Charlotte Brown
Bruce S. Ling
Eva Marie Shivers


Ellen Olshansky
Seung-Hyun Yoo
Susan Zickmund


Pamela Peele
William Klein
Daniel Rosen
Lisa Brush
Audrey Murrell
Jeannette Trauth


Maureen Porter
Scott F. Kiesling


Miriam Hertz
Paul E. Griffiths