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UCSUR 50th Anniversary Celebration

"Housing in the 21st Century:  Challenges and Solutions"

The University Center for Social & Urban Research (UCSUR) was established in 1972 with the mandate to "bring together, in an organized and integrated fashion, the many research activities and some of the service activities of the University of Pittsburgh which focus on the urban phenomenon."  Brian Vargus and Clyde McDaniel served as the founding codirectors.

You can read the rest of UCSUR's history.

For our 50th celebration we wanted to highlight a very important theme of our current work and collaborations.  The following agenda was prepared and executed resulting in an intellectually engaging afternoon of presentations, discussion, and fraternity.  We would like to send a special thank you to our presenters and a very warm thank you to all that attended this historical celebration. 

Agenda, History, & Videos
Slide Presentations

Affordable Housing Challenges and Opportunities 

Aging and Housing: Strategies for Aging in Place

Poster Presentations

Conference Photos

In the News

Rick Dayton Show, KDKA-AM, Tuesday, November 28, 2023 - featuring Sabina Deitrick, PhD
University Times, Friday, December 1, 2023 - By Shannon O. Wells