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Academic Year 2014-15 · Winter-Spring 2015

"Multigenerational Planning for Elders and Children"

Mildred E. Warner, PhD

Friday, February 13th, 2015
Noon to 1:15pm, 1st Floor Conference Room, 3343 Forbes Ave


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Dr. Warner is a Professor in the Department of City and Regional Planning at Cornell University where her work focuses primarily on local government service delivery, economic development and planning across generations. Dr. Warner's research explores the impact of privatization and devolution on local government and the role of human services as part of the social infrastructure for economic development.

As the US society ages, cities must meet the changing needs of residents. This requires attention to physical design of the built environment (improving access and walkability, mixed use, housing variety) as well as design of service delivery (transit, social supports, participation). Many of the design standards and services that help seniors age in place, are also required by families with young children. Communities need to become lifelong communities – good places to grow up and to grow old. In this seminar will report on a national survey conducted with the American Planning Association and the International City County Management Association on how communities are addressing the need for multi-generational planning. Implications for new forms of service delivery and planning will be presented along with discussion of the differences in service responsiveness across cities, suburbs and rural communities. With increased fiscal stress and shifting demographics, communities need to build coalitions across generations and across service sectors to better meet the needs of all residents.

"Shrinking Cities:  Are We Siting Affordable Housing in Neighborhoods of Opportunity?"

Robert Silverman, PhD

Friday, March 20th, 2015
Noon to 1:15pm, 1st Floor Conference Room, 3343 Forbes Ave


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Dr. Silverman's research focuses on the non-profit sector, the role of community-based organizations in urban neighborhoods, education reform, shrinking cities, and inequality in inner city housing markets. His current research projects include studies of non-profit organizations, anchor institutions, inner-city schools, and fair housing. With Kelly L. Patterson, he is author of recently published Qualitative Research Methods for Community Development (Taylor & Francis, 2015).

This brown bag focuses on affordable housing siting in shrinking cities. Preliminary findings from Robert Silverman, Kelly Patterson and Li Yin’s 2013 HUD Sustainable Communities Research Grant (SCRG) will be discussed. A database for the ten MSAs which contained the fastest shrinking cities in the US between 2000 and 2010 was developed for that project. Data were used to analyse past siting practices for affordable housing and to develop a framework for affordable housing suitability models (HSMs) that can be applied to future siting activities.