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Survey Research Program

Overview  •  Sample Design  •  Data Collection Methodology  •  Questionnaire Development  •  Interviewing  & Data Collection  •  Database Management  •  Statistical Analysis  & Reports  •  Research Registry

Scott Beach

Scott R. Beach, PhD, Program Director

UCSUR provides survey research services through the Survey Research Program (SRP).  SRP maintains a highly experienced staff of survey professionals, trained interviewers, and data management specialists. SRP services are available to faculty, staff, and students throughout the University and to local, state, and federal agencies and others working in the public interest.

SRP is able to carry out any or all phases of a survey research project, including sample design, questionnaire design, data collection, data processing, statistical analysis, and reporting.  SRP staff have the training and experience to design scientifically valid studies customized to client research needs.  SRP can help to clarify study objectives and provide advice on how to obtain the highest quality data within available resource constraints. More specifically, SRP provides assistance in the following areas:

Survey Research ProgramCenter for Social & Urban Research
· Survey Research Program ·




The Survey Research Program is a charter member of the American Association of Public Opinion Research's (AAPOR) Transparency Initiative.  "The Transparency Initiative is AAPOR's approach to the goal of an open science of survey research.  AAPOR seeks to recognize organizations that pledge to practice transparency in their reporting of survey-based findings."

University Center for Social & Urban Research
3343 Forbes Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15260   ·   412-624-5442