· Study management &
data collection
· Graduate Certificate
in Gerontology
· Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
· Pittsburgh Regional Economic Model (REMI)
Steven D. Manners Research Development Awards
Steven Manners Research Development Awards
In memory of Steven Manners, who served as Assistant Director of the Center for many years, we are pleased to announce the 25th annual research development awards program in recognition of his contributions to the Center and the University community. We will make two awards of up to $20,000 each, contingent upon the quality of applications and availability of funds. These awards will support pilot research in the social, behavioral, and policy sciences that has the potential of leading to larger, externally funded projects of interest to local/national foundations or state/federal agencies. The proposed research must align with UCSUR's mission of working collaboratively to conduct interdisciplinary research that improves communities and addresses social, economic, health, and policy issues most relevant to society.
Full-time faculty, post docs, and research associates from all University of Pittsburgh campuses may apply.
Activities to be Supported
Funds from this award may be used to cover the direct costs of carrying out the research and may include the salary of a research assistant or graduate student, participant payments, and other activities/costs directly associated with the conduct of the research. Costs that are not allowed include the investigator's salary, travel for conferences or seminars, dues for professional societies, and subscriptions to journals. Applicants are encouraged, though not required, to consider use of UCSUR services (e.g., survey or ecological momentary assessment [EMA] methods; qualitative audio and video transcription and coding; Western Pennsylvania Regional Data Center resources; Geographic Information Systems [GIS]; gerontological research consultation).
Evaluation Criteria for Research Development Grants
The following criteria will be used in evaluating proposals:
Due Dates and Duration of Manners Awards
Letter of Intent. The Manners Awards has instituted a letter of intent requirement. The goal of this is to allow the screening out of proposals that are not within the scope of the awards. Applicants are required to submit a one-page letter of intent to describe the proposed project. The letter of intent is due by March 3, 2025.
Application. Applicants selected to submit a full proposal will be notified within two weeks. Final applications are due May 9, 2025. Awards will be made by July 7, 2025. Start dates for awards can be any time after July 16, 2025. IRB approval is required in order to access funds for research development grants. Projects should be completed within a one-year period. A progress/final report is due at the end of Year 01, and, if needed, an extension request must accompany the Year 01 progress report requesting an additional year to complete the project.
Letters of intent and applications must be submitted electronically to Anna Aivaliotis at annaca@pitt.edu.
Please refer all questions to Dr. Scott Beach at scottb@pitt.edu.